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Karate Demo Team 2013 0

Karate Demo Team 2013

Our Soo Bahk Do Demo Team gave an excellent performance before a live audience at the San Luis Rey Mission's 2013 Christmas in July Celebration.
Fall Dan Shim Sa 1 Step Sparring and 3 Step Sparring example 2:56 1

Fall Dan Shim Sa 1 Step Sparring and 3 Step Sparring example

Example for students to prepare for the Fall Dan Shim Sa with social distancing
Demo R5 Sip Dan Kuhm Sa Ro Hyung 1:05 1

Demo R5 Sip Dan Kuhm Sa Ro Hyung

Ron Strong Sa Bom and Carl Vonck Sa Bom demonstrate Sip Dan Kuhm Sa Ro Hyung at Region 5 Dan Shim Sa and Championships April 13, 2019.
Demo R5 Sip Dan Kuhm Sa Ro Hyung 1:05 2

Demo R5 Sip Dan Kuhm Sa Ro Hyung

Sa Bom Nim Ron Strong and Cark Vonck demo in R5 April 13, 2019
1985-poole-duncan-korea-demo 1:28 1


1985 Poole And Duncan Demo At Korea 50th Anniv
Region 7 Tanto Hyung Demo 1:33 0

Region 7 Tanto Hyung Demo

Region 7 Adult Yo Dan Ja Demo Team (Tanto Hyung)
5th Video of The World Youth Leaders, 2:18 1

5th Video of The World Youth Leaders,

Tribute to the Founder, and Jok GI July 14,2018
Sip Dan Khum Hyung Preview 0:14 3

Sip Dan Khum Hyung Preview


Translated by Ellison Kim
Interpreted by Craig Hays

Sip = Ten
1989 KJN Korea Demo 3:20 6

1989 KJN Korea Demo

At the time, H.C. Hwang, TAC Chairman, demonstrates with Hong SBNs (Brothers) in Seoul, South Korea
1989 Demonstration In Korea 59:59 2

1989 Demonstration In Korea

soo bahk do demonstration in Seoul, South Korea in 1989, Tang Soo Do at the time, but if you'll notice, in Korea the banner above the stage says Soo Bahk Do.
Demo By USA REX Pyung Ahn 2 1:52 1

Demo By USA REX Pyung Ahn 2

Regional Examiners group demonstration of Pyung Ahn E Dan at the 2017 National Championship.
H.C. Hwang Demonstration 2:38 1

H.C. Hwang Demonstration

Demonstration circa 19?? H.C. Hwang Atmosphere Stage Demo
2017 Tomball Soo Bahk Do Demonstration for Competition 1:59 2

2017 Tomball Soo Bahk Do Demonstration for Competition

Tomball Demonstration Team shows the north-south line of Jindo Hyung and the East-West line of Nah Han Ji Hyung. Also included are examples of techniques from the hyung as used for self-defense. 2017
korea-team-1steps-powol-demo 4:16 0


I can't remember the details like names and location, but this demo was back in 2002. We had some visitors from Korea come to the west coast and did some demonstrations. Myself, my wife and brother ...
Demo For 2016 Festival - Elena Duncan - Mimi Singh Kyo Sa - Yang Pyong hyung and applications 2:13 1

Demo For 2016 Festival - Elena Duncan - Mimi Singh Kyo Sa - ...

Both members perform Yang Pyong with some sparring sequences within uses the moves from the form
Five Moo Do Values Demonstration 21:37 0

Five Moo Do Values Demonstration

MDK HQ students pay tribute to Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang
Roberto Fontora Ortiz 70th Anniversary Demo 5:11 1

Roberto Fontora Ortiz 70th Anniversary Demo

Roberto Fontora Sa Bom Nim and his students
2015 Region 9 Adult Team Hyung Preview 3:22 1

2015 Region 9 Adult Team Hyung Preview

Chil Sung Sam Ro Hyung and Jung Jool Hyung
2015 Region 1 National Demo 1:35 1

2015 Region 1 National Demo

Tribute to past, present and future with Hyung demo
70th Anniversary Iceland Demo 0:54 0

70th Anniversary Iceland Demo

Cesar Rodriquez, Sa bom Nim, Staff form based on Pyong Ahn O Dan.
2015 Region 1 Sr. Hyung Team Preview 3:02 1

2015 Region 1 Sr. Hyung Team Preview

Region 1 Sr. Form Team submission for TAC Preview, to be deleted after Nationals.
2015 Region 6 Team Hyung Preview 2:39 1

2015 Region 6 Team Hyung Preview

Preview Video of Region 6 Youth Team Hyung 2015.

Please accept with my apologies I videoed it sideways .
-Your Jr. Gene Riggs-
2015 Region 4 Proposed Demo 3 Kick Break 0:04 1

2015 Region 4 Proposed Demo 3 Kick Break

Nationals 2015 Demonstration: Region 4 - Adam Diaz
Region 6 Festival Demonstration 3 0:42 1

Region 6 Festival Demonstration 3

Proposed Region 6 Festival Demonstration 3
Chile demonstration for the 70th Anniversary 2015 submitted by Sebastián Muñoz 3:39 2

Chile demonstration for the 70th Anniversary 2015 submitted ...

This a submission from the Designee in Chile, South America. Their demonstration for the 70th Anniversary 2015
Tae Guk Kwon Hyung Snippets 3:06 2

Tae Guk Kwon Hyung Snippets

Larry Seiberlich Sa Bom Nim and Bill Nelson Sa Bom Nim demonstrating snippets of training with the Tae Guk Kwon Hyung.

Sa Bom Nim Larry Seiberlich, Dan Bon 1815 9th Dan will be introducing Tae Guk ...


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