Frequently asked questions will be compiled and presented here as they are received and responded to.
Q: I registered on the Institute and when I completed the registration it said to click the confirmation link in my email, but I never received any email. What should I do?
A: Check your trash folder and spam blockers and if you do not find the message, then you need to email and tell us. Your account may need to be manually approved. You should also add the Institute email addressadmin@soobahkdoinstitute.comto your approved list of email recipients so you are sure to receive future emails from the Institute.
Q: I registered but when I try to log in it keeps telling me that I need to confirm my email. What does this mean?
A: You should have received an email link from the site on the day that you registered and you need to click on that link to activate your account. You may need to check your spam filters, trash folder, etc in case the email got caught there.
Q: I can't register. It keeps telling me my email is already in use.
A: If you receive this message then the email you are attempting to use has already been used to create an existing account on the Institute. You can click here to search all member accounts on the site and see if you can locate the one that may be associated with your email, then use the lost password feature to regain access to the existing account. Or you can register a new account using a different email address.
Q: How do I reset my password?
A: When logged out and on the log in screen there is a link to reset your password. Once you are logged into your account you can also change your password by clicking your user name that appears at the top right hand sideof the screen and selecting "My Profile" from the menu options. Once your profiel is displayed, then click the "My Profile" link and select "Edit Profile" from the menu options. Password change is at the very bottom of the edit profile page. The automated password reset generates highly secure and complex random string passwords, but when logged into your account inside your profile you can change your password to anything you want.
Q: How do I purchase a subscription?
Q: How long does it take after my purchase for me to have access to my subscription contents?
A: Access to the Institute is granted instantly upon successful completion of your subscription purchase which is confirmed by your automatic return to the Soo Bahk Do Institute "Payment Success" page when you pay with PayPal. (Payment by Credit Card does not automatically return you to the Institute.) If you went through the PayPal payment steps and you are not returned to "Payment Success" page, then something went wrong with your payment and you will need to contact us to resolve the issu
Q: How do I upgrade my subscription?
Q: How do I cancel my subscription?
Q: Where can I see a list of available subscription prices?
Q: I have a paid subscription and fees have been drafted from my account but I cannot access content on the site. What should I do?
A: Please start by confirming that you are logged in. When you are logged in your user name will be displayed at the top right hand side of the screen next to "Log Out." If the content you click on is included in your subscription, it will be accessible. If it is not included in your subscription, you will encounter a page listing the subscriptions that contain it.
Q: How do I edit my profile picture or change my password?
A: When logged in, click on your user name at the top right hand side of the screen and select "MyProfile" in the menu options. Once your profile is displayed, click on "My Profile" and select "Edit Profile" from the menu options. Profile pictures must be within the specified image sizes or the upload will fail. The change password field is at the very bottom of the page.
Q: Can I create blogs, upload videos, photos, images and audios for access by my students only?
A: Yes, provided you have a subscription in good standing that includes upload/create authorization for those media. All media uploaded or created on the Soo Bahk Do Institute are set private by default. Private media can only be viewed and accessed by friends of the owner who uploaded it, so you will need to tell your students to "Friend" your account. Studio Owners may want to create two accounts: 1) personal account with your personal photo as profile picture that you accept friend requests from anyone and 2) Your Studio Account with your studio logo as profile picture and use that account to only accept friend requests from your students. Tell your students to "Friend" your studio account in order to gain access to your studio content for your students. You can then add as much content as you want to your private "Virtual Dojang" and only your students with subscriptions to the Institute who have "Friended" your studio account will have access to your content. You must approve all "Friend" requests.
Q: I can't get the videos to play. They do nothing at all or they stop and hang. What should I do?
A: Check the following: successful video playing depends on several factors that must all work properly together. Your internet connection bandwidth must be adequate (dial up connections are unlikely to work satisfactorily), your computer must be in good working order, you must use a browser that is supported by the site. The Soo Bahk Do Institute should perform satisfactorily on IE8, IE9 has issues, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera. The Institute is currently Flash based and does not yet support playback on iPhones or iPads, but that feature is coming soon. If you still have trouble with a video, use the REPORT button to mark the video and describe the problem so an administrator can find it.
Q: I found something that is broken or does not work as expected. What should I do?
A: Please reports any bugs, problems, or feature requests on the bug blog here.
Q: I registered to be an Affiliate and the application asked for a "PayPal email address." What is that or how do I get one?
A: Your PayPal email address is the email address you use to log into your PayPal account. Affiliate Questions and Answers are posted on the private Affiliate blog and are accessible when you "Friend" the site member "Affiliate."