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john neace 8

john neace

I have a passion for the art of Soo Bahk Do. I started training in the art when I was 10 yrs. old. I am from Dayton, Ohio region 5. I had the honor to train with Master Robert Thompson ( Dan Bon 1791...
  • Username: johnneace
  • Joined: 08/31/2012
  • Last seen: 07/27/2024
  • Views: 17117
  • Friends: 252
  • Country: US
KDJSS Candidate 3

KDJSS Candidate

The KDJSS Candidate profile provides those who friend this profile with access to private content intended for Ko Dan Ja candidates, such as teaching video submissions for review by TAC.

Private c...
  • Username: KDJSS_Candidate
  • Joined: 12/16/2011
  • Last seen: 04/01/2023
  • Views: 11202
  • Friends: 301
  • Country: US
Phil Duncan 1

Phil Duncan

Executive Administrator U.S. Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation
  • Username: PhilDuncan
  • Joined: 07/26/2011
  • Last seen: 09/30/2022
  • Views: 22151
  • Friends: 13618
  • Country: US
Roberto Bonefont Sr 7

Roberto Bonefont Sr

Started training in Tang Soo Do (Soo Bahk Do) Moo Duk Kwan in 1967. I achieved Cho Dan on June 18, 1969 under the training guidance of Mr. Michael Masley, Jr., Dan Bon 10180. Mr. Michael Masley,Jr. #1...
  • Username: rob29085
  • Joined: 03/28/2011
  • Last seen: 07/24/2024
  • Views: 59315
  • Friends: 118
  • Country: US

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