Jennifer Gibbons, Sa Bom Nim USA TAC Member assisted by Jared Rosentahl, Sa Bom Nim, provides instructors with some step by instructional ideas for teaching spinning kicks to children.
Hand Techniques for Green Belts (Soo Gi): Low X Block (Chun Gul Ssang Soo Ha Dan Mahk Kee) High X Block (Chun Gul Ssang Soo Sang Dan Mahk Kee) Two Fist Low Block Back Stance (Hu Gul Ssang Soo Ha Dan M...
This basic combination combines a double- fist low block (performed in a front stance), then weight shifts into a back stance as both hands are drawn into ch...
This basic combination combines a double- fist low block (performed in a front stance), then weight shifts into a back stance as both hands are drawn into ch...