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Ko Dan Ja Test Preparation Classes - Sam Soo Sik Dae Ryun #9 0:45 0

Ko Dan Ja Test Preparation Classes - Sam Soo Sik Dae Ryun #9

Sam Soo Sik, John Perusse SBN and Frank Tsai SBN Unedited Ko Dan Ja Test Preparation Classes
Ko Dan Ja Test Preparation Classes - Sam Soo Sik Dae Ryun #10 1:04 0

Ko Dan Ja Test Preparation Classes - Sam Soo Sik Dae Ryun #1...

Sam Soo Sik, John Perusse SBN and Frank Tsai SBN Unedited Ko Dan Ja Test Preparation Classes
Ko Dan Ja Test Preparation Classes - Sam Soo Sik Dae Ryun #11 0:33 0

Ko Dan Ja Test Preparation Classes - Sam Soo Sik Dae Ryun #1...

Sam Soo Sik, John Perusse SBN and Frank Tsai SBN Unedited Ko Dan Ja Test Preparation Classes
Ko Dan Ja Test Preparation Classes - Sam Soo Sik Dae Ryun #12 0:31 0

Ko Dan Ja Test Preparation Classes - Sam Soo Sik Dae Ryun #1...

Sam Soo Sik, John Perusse SBN and Frank Tsai SBN Unedited Ko Dan Ja Test Preparation Classes
Ko Dan Ja Test Preparation Classes - Sam Soo Sik Dae Ryun #13 3:06 1

Ko Dan Ja Test Preparation Classes - Sam Soo Sik Dae Ryun #1...

Sam Soo Sik, John Perusse SBN and Frank Tsai SBN Unedited Ko Dan Ja Test Preparation Classes
Ko Dan Ja Test Preparation Classes - Sam Soo Sik Dae Ryun #14 0:27 0

Ko Dan Ja Test Preparation Classes - Sam Soo Sik Dae Ryun #1...

Sam Soo Sik, John Perusse SBN and Frank Tsai SBN Unedited Ko Dan Ja Test Preparation Classes
Ko Dan Ja Test Preparation Classes - Sam Soo Sik Dae Ryun #15 0:38 0

Ko Dan Ja Test Preparation Classes - Sam Soo Sik Dae Ryun #1...

Sam Soo Sik, John Perusse SBN and Frank Tsai SBN Unedited Ko Dan Ja Test Preparation Classes
Ko Dan Ja Test Preparation Classes - Sam Soo Sik Dae Ryun #16 0:14 0

Ko Dan Ja Test Preparation Classes - Sam Soo Sik Dae Ryun #1...

Sam Soo Sik, John Perusse SBN and Frank Tsai SBN Unedited Ko Dan Ja Test Preparation Classes
Ko Dan Ja Test Preparation Classes - Sam Soo Sik Dae Ryun # 17 0:29 0

Ko Dan Ja Test Preparation Classes - Sam Soo Sik Dae Ryun # ...

Sam Soo Sik, John Perusse SBN and Frank Tsai SBN Unedited Ko Dan Ja Test Preparation Classes
Ko Dan Ja Test Preparation Classes - Sam Soo Sik Dae Ryun #18 0:34 0

Ko Dan Ja Test Preparation Classes - Sam Soo Sik Dae Ryun #1...

Sam Soo Sik, John Perusse SBN and Frank Tsai SBN Unedited Ko Dan Ja Test Preparation Classes
Ko Dan Ja Test Preparation Classes - Sam Soo Sik Dae Ryun #19 0:25 0

Ko Dan Ja Test Preparation Classes - Sam Soo Sik Dae Ryun #1...

Sam Soo Sik, John Perusse SBN and Frank Tsai SBN Unedited Ko Dan Ja Test Preparation Classes
Pi Cha Gi History and Application 2 5:57 1

Pi Cha Gi History and Application 2

H.C. Hwang Kwan Jang Nim shares the history of the Pi Cha Gi and demonstrates its application in sparring with Rodrigo Cruz
TAC Tour 2011 Um/Yang Philosophy Sam Soo Sik Intro 22:21 0

TAC Tour 2011 Um/Yang Philosophy Sam Soo Sik Intro

TAC Tour 2011, introduction of the Sam Soo Sik Dae Ryun and the use of the Um/Yang Philosophy.
Tim Rupert KDJSS 2015-1 27:01 0

Tim Rupert KDJSS 2015-1

Theme of Shin Chook in Jok Gi, feeling the "Chook" action when retracting the kick and recovering balance. Using a Ga Ten Bal Cha Gi target drill to strike two different targets using prope...
Gups - Round Kick advancing and retreating 7:27 0

Gups - Round Kick advancing and retreating

Round Kick Drill - advancing step and retreating with kyo cha rip jaseh
Demo For 2016 Festival - Elena Duncan - Mimi Singh Kyo Sa - Yang Pyong hyung and applications 2:13 1

Demo For 2016 Festival - Elena Duncan - Mimi Singh Kyo Sa - ...

Both members perform Yang Pyong with some sparring sequences within uses the moves from the form
70th Anniversary Demo Argentina Part 1 16 4:56 0

70th Anniversary Demo Argentina Part 1 16

Part 1 Team Argentina performs demo to honor early Moo Duk Kwan/Hwa Soo Do training, three step, and demo of Kyo Pa. Part 1 70th anniversary demonstrations #16
2019 KDJSS Raven Lupone Teaching #2 13:00 0

2019 KDJSS Raven Lupone Teaching #2

2019 KDJSS Candidate Teaching Video for Raven Lupone Jo Kyo on il soo sook dea ryun
2019 KDJSS Stacey Johnson Teaching 23:14 2

2019 KDJSS Stacey Johnson Teaching

Teaching video of sparring combination class with an emphasis on conserving energy
2014 Hyung Application Demo 3:14 0

2014 Hyung Application Demo

Sparring applications from Joong Jol, Yang Pyun, and Chil Sung Yuk Ro Hyungs. Performed by Region 4 Regional Examiners Rodrigo Cruz Sa Bom and Master Adam Diaz. - Nationals 2014
Soo Bahk Do Nationals 2007 - Sparring #20 3:07 0

Soo Bahk Do Nationals 2007 - Sparring #20

Team preliminaries.
Soo Bahk Do Nationals 2007 - Sparring #18 2:17 0

Soo Bahk Do Nationals 2007 - Sparring #18

Team preliminary.
Soo Bahk Do Nationals 2007 - Sparring #01 4:10 0

Soo Bahk Do Nationals 2007 - Sparring #01

Green/Red adult 18-30.
Combination 02 0

Combination 02

This basic combination combines an inside-to-outside middle low block (performed in a back stance) followed by a reverse high punch (performed in a front sta...
Combination 02 0

Combination 02

This basic combination combines an inside-to-outside middle low block (performed in a back stance) followed by a reverse high punch (performed in a front sta...
Combination 05 0

Combination 05

This basic combination combines a double- fist low block (performed in a front stance), then weight shifts into a back stance as both hands are drawn into ch...
Combination 05 0

Combination 05

This basic combination combines a double- fist low block (performed in a front stance), then weight shifts into a back stance as both hands are drawn into ch...
Soo Bahk Do Nationals 2007 - Sparring #10 3:08 0

Soo Bahk Do Nationals 2007 - Sparring #10

Cho Dan 31-39 Men LW Light.
Soo Bahk Do Nationals 2007 - Sparring #03 2:18 0

Soo Bahk Do Nationals 2007 - Sparring #03

E Dan Women 31-45.
2017 KDJSS Mercedes Freire Teaching Video - 1 16:38 2

2017 KDJSS Mercedes Freire Teaching Video - 1

Teaching video focusing on front leg kicking with emphasis on the Key Concept of Chong Shin Tong Il - Concentration - The practical application of techniques is sparring.


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