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5 Moo Do Values Sparring Demo 3:53 3

5 Moo Do Values Sparring Demo

2013 Ko Dan Ja Candidates Demonstration video of 5 Moo Do Values sparring in action. Final Candidate version.
Moo Do Values In Action 3:01 2

Moo Do Values In Action

Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang conveys story at 2007 Moment With The Masters in Ramona, Ca about Sa Bom Nim James Donnelly demonstrating Moo Do values in public while traveling in Korea. (encoded by site)
Moo Do Values In Action 3:01 1

Moo Do Values In Action

Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang conveys story at 2007 Moment With The Masters in Ramona, Ca about Sa Bom Nim James Donnelly demonstrating Moo Do values in public while traveling in Korea. (Bypass site encodi...
Region 6 moo do values sparring tournament 6:49 0

Region 6 moo do values sparring tournament

Moo Do Values Sparring, Adult Division, 5th through 1st gup
Five Moo Do Values Demonstration 21:37 0

Five Moo Do Values Demonstration

MDK HQ students pay tribute to Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang
Just When You Think No One Is Looking 4:35 0

Just When You Think No One Is Looking

Thought provoking video suggesting the power of our personal example of our Moo Do values, even when we think no one is looking.

Music by: Give A Little Love - Noah And The Whale
5 Moo Do Values Sparring - DRAFT 2 4:18 0

5 Moo Do Values Sparring - DRAFT 2

Take II 9-6-2013. New sparring format developed by Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation
This is first video take at Kwon's Karate Studio
2013 Moo Do Value Sparring 1st Demo 6:07 3

2013 Moo Do Value Sparring 1st Demo

Inaugural 5 Moo Do Values Sparring Performed at the 2013 US Moment With The Masters in Ramona, CA by Jared Rosenthal & Rodrigo Cruz
Moo Do Values In Sparring Applications - Kwan Jang NIm H.C. Hwang 6:59 1

Moo Do Values In Sparring Applications - Kwan Jang NIm H.C. ...

KJN H.C. Hwang at MWM 2012, edited video to make more viewable.
Kwan Jang Nim Lectures on the Moo Duk Kwan Key Beliefs, Liberty MDK Academy 23 Sep 17 48:14 1

Kwan Jang Nim Lectures on the Moo Duk Kwan Key Beliefs, Libe...

Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang, lectures on the philosophy of Seon Sok Mi, the five Moo Do Values, and supporting the art.
Moo Do Values in Sparring App - Part 2 1:04 0

Moo Do Values in Sparring App - Part 2

2012 Moment With The Masters Seminar - Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang explains the Philosophy (Part 2) exercise of the Moo Do Value application in Sparring at the 2012 Moment With The Masters in Ramona, CA.
Moo Do Values in Sparring App - Part 3 0:48 1

Moo Do Values in Sparring App - Part 3

2012 Moment With The Masters Seminar - Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang explains the Philosophy (Part 3) exercise of the Moo Do Value application in Sparring at the 2012 Moment With The Masters in Ramona, CA.
Moo Do Values in Sparring App 4:22 0

Moo Do Values in Sparring App

2012 Moment With The Masters Seminar - Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang explains the History exercise of the Moo Do Value application in Sparring at the 2012 Moment With The Masters in Ramona, CA.
Moo Do Values in Sparring App - Part 1 4:40 2

Moo Do Values in Sparring App - Part 1

2012 Moment With The Masters Seminar - Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang explains the Philosophy (Part 1) exercise of the Moo Do Value application in Sparring at the 2012 Moment With The Masters in Ramona, CA.
Where Does A Kid Learn Values Like That? 0:56 0

Where Does A Kid Learn Values Like That?

Winning video submitted for Great Video Making Contest by Conor Gilmore of San Diego, California. Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Moo Duk Kwan.

Concept by Conor Gilmore
Directed and Edited by Con...
75th Anniversary Seminar 5 - Daymon Kenyon [5 Moo Do Values Sparring] 1:56:52 0

75th Anniversary Seminar 5 - Daymon Kenyon [5 Moo Do Values ...

5th Premium Seminar about Moo Do Sparring instructed by Daymon Kenyon Sa Bom Nim during the Moo Duk Kwan 75th Virtual Anniversary Celebration in 2020.
2017 KDJSS Sean Oulashin Teaching 20:20 3

2017 KDJSS Sean Oulashin Teaching

Instructing Moo Do Values sparring and ideas for defensive combinations using the cross-legged stance.
2013 Moo Do Value Sparring 2nd Demo 5:48 1

2013 Moo Do Value Sparring 2nd Demo

Inaugural 5 Moo Do Sparring Performed at the 2013 US Moment With The Masters in Ramona, CA by Jared Rosenthal & Rodrigo Cruz
Sparring Technique 5:03 0

Sparring Technique

Cash Cooper Sa Bom Nim explains Technique attributes that can be integral to Moo Do Sparring at 2014 National Festival in Salt Lake City, Utah
Sparring Philosophy 3:12 0

Sparring Philosophy

Josh Lockwood, Sa Bom Nim USA TAC discussing Soo Bahk Do philosophy applied to Jae Yu Deh Ryun at 2014 National Festival in Salt Lake City, Utah
2014 Moo Do Sparring #3 Competition 4:11 1

2014 Moo Do Sparring #3 Competition

Moo Do Sparring division Frank Tsai SBN vs Rodrigo Cruz SBN at 2014 Nationals Salt Lake City, Utah - Nationals 2014
2014 Moo Do Sparring #1 Competition 4:26 1

2014 Moo Do Sparring #1 Competition

Moo Do Sparring division Brian Corrales SBN vs. Jared Rosenthal at 2014 Nationals Salt Lake City, Utah - Nationals 2014
2014 Moo Do Sparring #2 Competition 3:57 1

2014 Moo Do Sparring #2 Competition

Moo Do Sparring division Adam Diaz SBN vs. Frank Tsai SBN at 2014 Nationals Salt Lake City, Utah - Nationals 2014
2014 Moo Do Sparring #4 Competition 4:35 1

2014 Moo Do Sparring #4 Competition

Moo Do sparring division Frank Tsai SBN vs. Brian Corrales SBN at 2014 Nationals Salt Lake City, Utah - Nationals 2014
Actions Speak Louder Than Words Moo Duk Kwan 0:56 1

Actions Speak Louder Than Words Moo Duk Kwan

Winning video submitted for Great Video Making Contest by Conor Gilmore of San Diego, California. Actions Speak Louder Than Words: Moo Duk Kwan.

Concept by Conor Gilmore
Directed and Edited by Con...

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