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Gallery View Zoom Silver Moo Do In Program Zone 2 Mar 18, 2023 1:24:53 1

Gallery View Zoom Silver Moo Do In Program Zone 2 Mar 18, 20...

Zoom Gallery view of entire Silver Moo Do In program Zone 2 session 6 Mar 18, 2023
Host/Speaker view of Silver Moo Do In Program Session 6 Zone 2 Mar 18 2023 1:24:53 1

Host/Speaker view of Silver Moo Do In Program Session 6 Zone...

Entire Zoom video from the Silver Moo Do In program Session 6 Zone 2 Mar 18 2023
Art of Soo Bahk 2:44 0

Art of Soo Bahk

One of the assignment for my shooting subject...Majority of the members shown in the clip are only colour belts .. this is for assignment purpose only..sit back and enjoy =)


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