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Jo Kyo Certification Maintenance
Group Admin: Instructors
Group Status: public Members: 10 Videos: 3 Total Comments: 0


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Paul Chiasson 0

Paul Chiasson

A student for 18 years, have been away for a decade. I am a studio owner (Mid-State Soo Bahk Do TA605.I have my Jo Kyo and am studying for my Kyo Sa. \r\n\r\nIn my former studio I taught many studen...
  • Username: paulnc2008
  • Joined: 12/16/2013
  • Last seen: 07/16/2024
  • Views: 7149
  • Friends: 36
  • Country: US
Joshua Duncan 0

Joshua Duncan

  • Username: duncan29793
  • Joined: 07/26/2013
  • Last seen: 06/10/2024
  • Views: 4941
  • Friends: 11
  • Country: US
H C Hwang 2

H C Hwang

  • Username: HCHwang
  • Joined: 03/21/2013
  • Last seen: 03/16/2024
  • Views: 17121
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emma kaliczynsky 0

emma kaliczynsky

  • Username: emzchinsky
  • Joined: 10/12/2012
  • Last seen: 07/30/2013
  • Views: 2830
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  • Country: UK
Certified Instructor 1

Certified Instructor

Friends of the Certified Instructor Profile will have access to private videos, audios, images, groups and blogs created specifically for Jo Kyo, Kyo Sa and Sa Bom certified Instructors as such conten...
  • Username: Instructors
  • Joined: 08/18/2012
  • Last seen: 09/21/2019
  • Views: 5380
  • Friends: 10
  • Country: US
Jamie Robson 0

Jamie Robson

  • Username: jamierobson
  • Joined: 02/18/2012
  • Last seen: 07/26/2024
  • Views: 6837
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  • Country: UK
Phil Duncan 1

Phil Duncan

Executive Administrator U.S. Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation
  • Username: PhilDuncan
  • Joined: 12/15/2011
  • Last seen: 09/30/2022
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Institute Admin 2

Institute Admin

Administrator and development coordinator for the Soo Bahk Do Institute
  • Username: admin
  • Joined: 12/15/2011
  • Last seen: 07/22/2024
  • Views: 45000
  • Friends: 8
  • Country: US

Group Blogs (See all)

Instructor Certification Procedures In U S Federation 0

Instructor Certification Procedures In U S Federation

Procedures for applying for Instructor Certification
Model Class Institute Video Replaces DVD 0

Model Class Institute Video Replaces DVD

The TAC has produced an online video that replaces the DVD referenced in Instructor Certification kits.
So You Wanna START Something? Watch This! 1

So You Wanna START Something? Watch This!

Anacortes Soo Bahk Do from imagination to reality!

Group Videos (See all)

Share The Art Introduction (S.T.A.R.T.) 3:55 3

Share The Art Introduction (S.T.A.R.T.)

Share The Art (S.T.A.R.T.) Introduction by Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang
Discipline and Respect 6:41 1

Discipline and Respect

Kwan Jang Nim H. C. Hwang discussing discipline and respect at the Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa at Camp Oakbridge in Ramona CA November 2010
Model Soo Bahk Do Class Instruction 23:28 2

Model Soo Bahk Do Class Instruction

Moo Duk Kwan martial art school model class instruction of Soo Bahk Do martial art system performed by Technical Advisory Committee Member Jeff Griggs Sa Bom Nim 2011

Group Audios (See all)

Group Images (See all)

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  • Group Admin:
    Certified Instructor
  • Created: 07/15/11
  • Rating: --/5 (0 votes)
Content for certified Jo Kyo seeking to sustain their certification in good standing

Tags: Jo, Kyo, Maintenance

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