There Is Only One Moo Duk Kwan Host A Virtual Tournament Easy As 1-2-3. Click This Message For More Info
Lifetime Subscribers
Group Admin: PhilDuncan
Group Status: public Members: 2 Videos: 0 Total Comments: 1


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john neace 8

john neace

I have a passion for the art of Soo Bahk Do. I started training in the art when I was 10 yrs. old. I am from Dayton, Ohio region 5. I had the honor to train with Master Robert Thompson ( Dan Bon 1791...
  • Username: johnneace
  • Joined: 01/10/2018
  • Last seen: 07/27/2024
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Phil Duncan 1

Phil Duncan

Executive Administrator U.S. Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation
  • Username: PhilDuncan
  • Joined: 03/20/2013
  • Last seen: 09/30/2022
  • Views: 22151
  • Friends: 13618
  • Country: US

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  • Group Admin:
    Phil Duncan
  • Created: 08/28/12
  • Rating: 5/5 (1 vote)
Lifetime Subscribers to the Institute

Tags: Lifetime, Subscription

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01/15/18 john neace commented:

Thank you for the Soo Baahk Do Institute.

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