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2018 KDJSS Hays SBN SDK 4 1:24 1

2018 KDJSS Hays SBN SDK 4

Sa Bom Nim Hays demonstration Sip Dan Kuhm Sa Ro
Sa Bom Nim Blotta Teaching Ship Dan Kum E Ro 0:53 0

Sa Bom Nim Blotta Teaching Ship Dan Kum E Ro

Clinic in Buenos Aires for Dan and Kodanja Members, SBN Blotta Introducing Ship Dan Kum E Ro
Silver Moo Do In Training Session 7 Speaker View 1:8:27 1

Silver Moo Do In Training Session 7 Speaker View

Training session conducted on April 22, 2023, for the Silver Moo Do In Program for Zone 2 USA. Training conducted by Craig Hays, Sa bom Nim, Chairman of the USA TAC, instruction on Sip Dan Khum Il Lo...
Philosophy: Song of The Ship Sam Seh 1:44:43 1

Philosophy: Song of The Ship Sam Seh

Live seminar with ambient sounds. Students gain in depth insights into the philosophy and application of the Song of the Ship Sam Seh as taught by Hu Kyun In member and former Technical Advisory Commi...
2016 KDJSS Countryman Ship Soo Hyung 1:37 1

2016 KDJSS Countryman Ship Soo Hyung

2nd Series of videos Ship Soon Hyung show improvement of connection of elbow to huri, weapon discipline, heaviness and fullness of arm.
Chil Sung Seminar Content 0:52 1

Chil Sung Seminar Content

Application of Chil Sung Il Lo based on the Ship Sam Seh of Tae Kuk Kwon.
John Kim Sa Bom Nim Demonstration - 2019 Nationals 1:52 1

John Kim Sa Bom Nim Demonstration - 2019 Nationals

John Kim Sa Bom Nim performs Kyuk Pa and Ship Dan Kuhm.
The Song of The Thirteen Influences 9:06 6

The Song of The Thirteen Influences

Unique historical film by Perry Areaipour Sa Bom Nim of Founder Hwang Kee's 1st introduction of The Song of The Thirteen Influences (Ship Sam Seh) in U.S. Lakewood, Ca.
2016 KDJSS Doug Countryman Sip Soo 1:44 0

2016 KDJSS Doug Countryman Sip Soo

Ship Soo Hyung with effort on connection of elbow to huri, weapon discipline with heaviness and fullness of arms. Improve on Shi Sun.
Basic Form One 2:12 1

Basic Form One

US Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Instructional Guides - White Belt Giecho Hyung Il Bu edited by The Maui Soo Bahk Do MDK NPVT Committee for the US Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation
Pyong Ahn Hyung 4 1:06 1

Pyong Ahn Hyung 4

Pyung Ahn Sa Dan Hyung - Pyong Ahn Form 4 for Sa Dan. Performed by Techincal Advisory Committee Member: By Craig Hays Sa Bom Nim
Pyung Ahn Form 3  (Pyung Ahn Sam Dan) 0:57 1

Pyung Ahn Form 3 (Pyung Ahn Sam Dan)

Pyung Ahn Form 3 (Pyung Ahn Sam Dan Hyung) for Sam Dan. Performed by Technical Advisory Committe Member: Craig Hays Sa Bom Nim
2014 Hyung Application Demo 3:14 0

2014 Hyung Application Demo

Sparring applications from Joong Jol, Yang Pyun, and Chil Sung Yuk Ro Hyungs. Performed by Region 4 Regional Examiners Rodrigo Cruz Sa Bom and Master Adam Diaz. - Nationals 2014
Pyong Ahn Hyung 5 0:53 1

Pyong Ahn Hyung 5

Pyung Ahn O Dan Hyung - Pyong Ahn Form 5 for Ee Dans Performed by Technical Advisory Committee Member: Craig Hays Sa Bom Nim
WMDK 70th Anniversary Demonstration - Cruz/Ahlers 1:42 3

WMDK 70th Anniversary Demonstration - Cruz/Ahlers

Various Ho Sin Sul applications from Chil Sung Hyungs, performed by Rodrigo Cruz (Region 4) and Rich Ahlers (Region 1).
WMA 70th Anniversary Proposal Demo 4:01 1

WMA 70th Anniversary Proposal Demo

Demonstration consists of Dham Doi Ship E Ro forms that relate to the Yuk Ro forms and their application. It is a rough cut to give the general idea of our proposed demo.

Brian Corrales
2018 KDJSS Hays SBN SDK 3 1:13 2

2018 KDJSS Hays SBN SDK 3

Sa Bom Nim Hays demonstration Sip Dan Kuhm Sam Ro
2013 Ko Dan Ja Hyung Competition 8:32 0

2013 Ko Dan Ja Hyung Competition

Various hyung performances by Ko Dan Ja at the Nationals 2013
2023 USA KDJSS Chil Dan Demonstration 2:21 0

2023 USA KDJSS Chil Dan Demonstration

2023 USA Chil Dan Candidates demonstration of the Ship Dan Kuhm Partner Drills, Richard Wilcox SBN & Charles Smith SBN.
1 Step Sparring 9 and 10 (Il Soo Sik Dae Ryun) 1:58 1

1 Step Sparring 9 and 10 (Il Soo Sik Dae Ryun)

1 Step Sparring exercises (Il Soo Sik Dae Ryun) for Green Belts: number 9 (Gu Bon) and number 10 (Ship Bon) Performed by Technical Advisory Committee Members Daymon Kenyon Sa Bom Nim Craig Hays Sa Bom...
70th Anniversary Demonstration 14 2:42 0

70th Anniversary Demonstration 14

Tai Chi Chuan (left) and Dham Doi Ship (Tan Tui)(right) on the left is Hyuk Youn Kwon, Sa Bom Nim and Brian Corrales Sa Bom Nim on the right. Celebration 70th anniversary demonstration #14
Sip Dan Khum Hyung Preview 0:14 3

Sip Dan Khum Hyung Preview


Translated by Ellison Kim
Interpreted by Craig Hays

Sip = Ten

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