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Jua Deh Ryun - Seated Sparring #4 0:19 1

Jua Deh Ryun - Seated Sparring #4

Demonstration of the fourth model exercise of Jua Deh Ryun. Jwa
Michael Berardinelli KDJSS 2014-2a 1:05 0

Michael Berardinelli KDJSS 2014-2a

2014 KDJSS Video Submission Requirement.
Jua Deh Ryun - Seated Sparring #2 0:22 1

Jua Deh Ryun - Seated Sparring #2

Demonstration of the second model exercise for Jua Deh Ryun. Jwa
Jua Deh Ryun - Seated Sparring #3 0:20 1

Jua Deh Ryun - Seated Sparring #3

Demonstration of the third model exercise for Jua Deh Ryun. Jwa
Jua Deh Ryun - Seated Sparring #5 0:31 1

Jua Deh Ryun - Seated Sparring #5

Demonstration of the fifth model exercise for Jua Deh Ryun. Jwa
Frank Echols KDJSS Followup Eval 2014 1 of 2 4:10 0

Frank Echols KDJSS Followup Eval 2014 1 of 2

1st Video Submission following review of 2014 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa recommendations
American Air Force Personnel in Korea Demonstration 6:02 4

American Air Force Personnel in Korea Demonstration

A film by Frank Bonsignore, Sa bom Nim, he filmed this demonstration in Korea, features a young master, can you spot that person.
Michael Gillespie KDJSS Followup 2014-1 5:10 0

Michael Gillespie KDJSS Followup 2014-1

1t video submission for kdjss 2014 areas to be strengthened recommendations
Michael Berardinelli KDJSS Followup 2014-2b 1:39 1

Michael Berardinelli KDJSS Followup 2014-2b

2014 KDJSS Video Submission Requirement.
2017 Tomball Soo Bahk Do Demonstration for Competition 1:59 2

2017 Tomball Soo Bahk Do Demonstration for Competition

Tomball Demonstration Team shows the north-south line of Jindo Hyung and the East-West line of Nah Han Ji Hyung. Also included are examples of techniques from the hyung as used for self-defense. 2017
Demo For 2016 Festival - Elena Duncan - Mimi Singh Kyo Sa - Yang Pyong hyung and applications 2:13 1

Demo For 2016 Festival - Elena Duncan - Mimi Singh Kyo Sa - ...

Both members perform Yang Pyong with some sparring sequences within uses the moves from the form
Frank Echols KDJSS Followup 2014 #2 (Part 1) 2:33 0

Frank Echols KDJSS Followup 2014 #2 (Part 1)

Second video in response to comments following participation in the 2014 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa in Ramona, CA Frank Echols
Frank Echols KDJSS Followup 2014 #2 (Part 2) 4:17 0

Frank Echols KDJSS Followup 2014 #2 (Part 2)

Second video in response to comments following participation in the 2014 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa in Ramona, CA Frank Echols
2013 Moo Do Value Sparring 2nd Demo 5:48 1

2013 Moo Do Value Sparring 2nd Demo

Inaugural 5 Moo Do Sparring Performed at the 2013 US Moment With The Masters in Ramona, CA by Jared Rosenthal & Rodrigo Cruz
5 Moo Do Values Sparring - DRAFT 2 4:18 0

5 Moo Do Values Sparring - DRAFT 2

Take II 9-6-2013. New sparring format developed by Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation
This is first video take at Kwon's Karate Studio
2008 Soo Bahk Do sparring 2:45 0

2008 Soo Bahk Do sparring

My sparring match against one of Master Tsai's students. tv
Sparring Concepts 0:46 0

Sparring Concepts

Kwan Jang Nim leads sparring clinic at 2016 KDJSS in Ramona Ca
Gary Wong KDJSS Followup 2014-1 3:36 1

Gary Wong KDJSS Followup 2014-1

Summary of activities to address Video, 3/31/15: "Areas To Be Strengthened" Follow-Up for Gary Wong 2014 KDJSS Candidate
Chuck Holland KDJSS Followup 2014-2 7:20 2

Chuck Holland KDJSS Followup 2014-2

Chuck Holland 2014 Ko Dan Ja O Dan candidate evaluation video 2/2. Staying relaxed in upper body during Soo Gi exercise. More consistent connection of breath with physical movement.
Robert Maderazo Teaching 2014-1 20:10 1

Robert Maderazo Teaching 2014-1

2014 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa Teaching Video.
Theme: Shin Chook
Focus: Creating power for offensive and defensive techniques
Core content: Use of breath to create tension
Frank Echols Teaching 2014-1 23:59 1

Frank Echols Teaching 2014-1

2014 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa teaching video Theme - Ki Sool (Technique) focusing on targeting and preparation. Emphasis is on basic techniques.
Gary Wong KDJSS Followup 2014-1 4:52 0

Gary Wong KDJSS Followup 2014-1

Gary Wong 2014 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa Initial Follow-Up Video
2014 KJN HC Hwang National Festival 1 of 2 6:07 0

2014 KJN HC Hwang National Festival 1 of 2

1 of 2 Opening remarks by Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang during 2014 National Festival at Little America Hotel in Salt Lake City, Utah.
2014 KJN HC Hwang National Festival 2 of 2 6:11 0

2014 KJN HC Hwang National Festival 2 of 2

2 of 2 Opening remarks by Kwan Jang Nim H.C. Hwang during 2014 National Festival at Little America Hotel in Salt Lake City, Utah.
1 Step Sparring Dril - Horse Stance #1-18 7:48 1

1 Step Sparring Dril - Horse Stance #1-18

1 Step Sparring Drill focusing on Hu Ri rotation and reps.
#1--4, 7-10, 15-18
James Johnson Teaching 2014-1 21:03 1

James Johnson Teaching 2014-1

2014 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa Teaching Video This class was about uido (intent) in il soo sik for both the attacker and defender and its importance.
2014 KDJSS Trixie Melton KDJSS Followup-1 6:44 1

2014 KDJSS Trixie Melton KDJSS Followup-1

Kyo Sa Trixie Melton, Dan Bon 42782. 1st Video of 2 following review of 2014 Ko Dan Ja Shim Sa recommendations Sa Dan candidate.
Sparring Philosophy 3:12 0

Sparring Philosophy

Josh Lockwood, Sa Bom Nim USA TAC discussing Soo Bahk Do philosophy applied to Jae Yu Deh Ryun at 2014 National Festival in Salt Lake City, Utah
2014 KDJSS Trixie Melton Teaching-1 20:20 1

2014 KDJSS Trixie Melton Teaching-1

2014 KDJSS Candidate Required Sa Dan Teaching Video
2013 Moo Do Value Sparring 1st Demo 6:07 3

2013 Moo Do Value Sparring 1st Demo

Inaugural 5 Moo Do Values Sparring Performed at the 2013 US Moment With The Masters in Ramona, CA by Jared Rosenthal & Rodrigo Cruz

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