There Is Only One Moo Duk Kwan Host A Virtual Tournament Easy As 1-2-3. Click This Message For More Info
Region 1 Members
Group Admin: PhilDuncan
Group Status: public Members: 8 Videos: 3 Total Comments: 0


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john neace 8

john neace

I have a passion for the art of Soo Bahk Do. I started training in the art when I was 10 yrs. old. I am from Dayton, Ohio region 5. I had the honor to train with Master Robert Thompson ( Dan Bon 1791...
  • Username: johnneace
  • Joined: 10/10/2018
  • Last seen: 07/27/2024
  • Views: 17117
  • Friends: 252
  • Country: US
Colleen Saltarelli 0

Colleen Saltarelli

  • Username: colleensaltarelli
  • Joined: 08/06/2018
  • Last seen: 04/11/2021
  • Views: 1036
  • Friends: 0
  • Country: US
Jeffrey Mackey 0

Jeffrey Mackey

  • Username: jmackey1375
  • Joined: 07/13/2018
  • Last seen: 06/27/2024
  • Views: 2200
  • Friends: 4
  • Country: US
Rich Ahlers 0

Rich Ahlers

  • Username: richahlers
  • Joined: 11/22/2013
  • Last seen: 09/08/2016
  • Views: 3295
  • Friends: 14
  • Country: US
Paul Chiasson 0

Paul Chiasson

A student for 18 years, have been away for a decade. I am a studio owner (Mid-State Soo Bahk Do TA605.I have my Jo Kyo and am studying for my Kyo Sa. \r\n\r\nIn my former studio I taught many studen...
  • Username: paulnc2008
  • Joined: 08/11/2013
  • Last seen: 07/16/2024
  • Views: 7149
  • Friends: 36
  • Country: US
PJ Steyer 0

PJ Steyer

Yuk Dan, DB 30182
Founder - Boston Classical Soo Bahk Do (SA496)
Studio Owner - Melbourne Classical Martial Arts (5004)
Region 5 (Australia) Examiner
  • Username: sookyoja
  • Joined: 12/16/2012
  • Last seen: 07/08/2024
  • Views: 4638
  • Friends: 22
  • Country: US
Institute Admin 2

Institute Admin

Administrator and development coordinator for the Soo Bahk Do Institute
  • Username: admin
  • Joined: 12/15/2012
  • Last seen: 07/22/2024
  • Views: 45000
  • Friends: 8
  • Country: US
Phil Duncan 1

Phil Duncan

Executive Administrator U.S. Soo Bahk Do Moo Duk Kwan Federation
  • Username: PhilDuncan
  • Joined: 12/15/2012
  • Last seen: 09/30/2022
  • Views: 22153
  • Friends: 13618
  • Country: US

Group Blogs (See all)

Help Index 1

Help Index

A one page index of help links to pages and feature documentation for the Soo Bahk Do Institute. Take 30 seconds to read this help page and you may learn things about the Institute that you did not kn...

Group Videos (See all)

Paul Chiasson Kyo Sa Cert Teaching 3 19:14 0

Paul Chiasson Kyo Sa Cert Teaching 3

Third and final video requirement for the Region 1 Kyo Sa Shin Sa preparation. Filmed October 15, 2014 at Bay State Soo Bahk Do in Hamilton MA, THeme was Chung Jik and Huri with an emphasis on Ho Si...
Paul Chiasson Kyo Sa Cert Teaching 2 22:40 0

Paul Chiasson Kyo Sa Cert Teaching 2

This is my Kyo_Sa_Cert_2, Paul N Chiasson Jo Kyo, Region 1, October 1, 2014. It begins after the warmup and stretch and follows directly into class. This is the Hamilton W/O belt Gup member class wi...
Paul Chiasson Kyo Sa Cert Teaching 1 21:46 0

Paul Chiasson Kyo Sa Cert Teaching 1

Model Class 1 Paul N Chiasson Jo Kyo, Region 1 Kyo Sa Shim Sa 2014

Group Audios (See all)

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  • Group Admin:
    Phil Duncan
  • Created: 12/15/12
  • Rating: --/5 (0 votes)
Members of Region 1

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